Monday, December 21, 2009


imagine everything away.
it might make little sense,
but it makes all the difference.
imagine me away.
that i could be gone from you,
and from me.
i wish i could be gone.

imagine that away.

i think i've lost my mind.

you once were my asylum
now i've resorted to a different sort
of the word.
these white walls
won't hold me like you did.
endless halls,
have proven they're frozen.
these people, they think i'm crazy.
but i'm just a little bit hazy
from the drugs they're injecting me with.

Friday, December 18, 2009

stakes and fairytales.

your body tells me the strangest tales,
though your mouth remains shut, because the truth impales.
there it will stay, hidden behind your eyes,
though i know you can't bare to voice the lies.

i promise you, i will waste away.

i was thinking that if you know a way out, then i'd like to go with you ..

my plastic smile is convincing,
my alive body may assure,
but don't be so easily decieved,
i'm really dead on the inside.

i'll paint another face
and i'll perfect my actions
until i have a flawless design,
there will be no mistakes this time.

when i pretend, what fault can i make?

Monday, December 14, 2009

my lullaby.

i've become so familiar with the taste of salt,
catching your tears on my lips.
you're the most beautiful at your weakest,
it takes my breath away.
i can't speak, so i'll sing to you
because you are my lullaby,
a dream so sweet
softly whispering through my sleep.
yes, i will sing for you,
if you'll only listen.

hungry, hungry for you.

if everything's the way it should be
then why, am i still hungry?
even to taste your sweet apathy
would be heavenly, only god knows
why i come crawling back every time.
but here now without you,
i'm speachless, my tongue is blistered
from the heated words we spoke
to burn each other
and i still miss you,
though i know i shouldn't.

artificial love.

now the excitement's over
you've taken everything from me
that you wanted.
don't you see?
the pain, seering through my veins
and it's your fault.
i won't take credit for anything
that i say or do anymore
because this is not who i am
or who i intended on being.
you control me,
with your fingertips
full of malice
and artificial love.

Sunday, December 13, 2009


without you, i'm present but so vacant
i faught for you, and i was patient
but i lost myself along the way.
i'm an image of who i once was,
a ghost of the person i used to be.
but no longer, it's killing me.
i've got to find my way back.

twinkle twinkle

I'm going to miss the moonlight
on your body, tonight.
Glistening, I'm listening
But your body is telling me lies
and your emotions are untruthful.
You reach out for me,
and grab a handful of nothing.
But I still feel the fire ablaze
from your touch.

my secrets.

* I'm punishing myself for not being enough to keep you from cheating on me, or to keep you at all.
* I wish you'd go out of your way for me, just once ..
* Every time you leave, I'm afraid it'll be the last time I'll see you and I won't be able to tell you that I love you.

you lied ..

"Amy, I wrote this for not as a poem or as a song, but as an expression of how I feel about this .. us .. you <3. As I write this, an image of you forever stands out. I am blessed to have you in my life. As I look outside I see a beautiful world, but I ask myself, would it be a beautiful world if you did not inhabit it? The answer is no. I can't start to imagine a world where you do not live. Even on a stormy day you brighten my life with your luminous glow. How does one even begin to describe his love for the woman of his dreams? The best way I can think of is my love for you is infinitely sized, stretching past the galaxies, past it all. I don't just love who you are, but how you do the things you do, like say "I love you", and the world stops for just a moment or the way you look at me, so nonjudgmental, so loving. Just being around you is a dream come true, only with the reality of your essence. What I am trying to say in this, simply put, is that I love you Amy Rose, with everything I've got and so much more."

eet, eet, eet.

everyday it gets harder to wake up
knowing you won't be here
and my knees are becoming a familiar place to fall.
i'm scared to death
and it has me always
running into walls.
i never thought i'd have to fall apart
to make you see
what condition i'm in.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Sunday, September 27, 2009

never thought not having you here now would hurt so much.

i'm afraid to tell you,
afraid you'll let me fall
like you once did, years ago.
i miss you, you know?
every single day.
i bet you never knew,
but i do.

you're not alone, i'll be right beside you forevermore.

i'm so afraid for you. i wish so badly i could help you
but that's not my job, that's hers.

Friday, September 25, 2009

you won't understand anyway.

i'm wondering
whether my thoughts are unclear and i'm trying to make sense of them
or if they make perfect sense and i'm trying to blur them.
either way, you won't understand.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

never thought i'd be the one to bring you down.

you're standing where i once did ; on the outside.
isn't it hell?
seeing me happy without you.
malice is running free
and i should stop it
but i don't want to.
you'll finally know how it feels.

fire burning.

your name scorches my veins,
and boils in my blood.
i'll bet you never knew.
you never will,
but you deserve to.

this time baby, i'll be bulletproof.

is it cold out,
standing with the trash i threw out this morning?
you're solid as a rock,
but i can see right through you
and into the clear, night air behind you.
what a shame, you once had me.
never again.